Memories of Roya
Roya was born in 1960 in Shiraz and is described as being a beautiful baby.
From a young age Roya loved animals. From the time she was young until later, she always had a pet. A little bird at one point, two tortoises called Locky and Poshti and a gecko. Pictured below with a cat - if there was ever any cats or other animals around she would befriend them quickly.
It was her joyous and vibrant personality that left its mark on all those around her.
“And beautiful, happy and joyful Roya, full of energy for life, lover of life. I have never seen anyone like her, who could get excited with small things, and become so happy and express that joy. Her beautiful face blushed, her eyes sparkled even more and would talk about the thing that made her happy with much excitement. She loved nature and hiking, she would never reject an opportunity for hiking and outdoors. - Words by her sister Rozita
Roya loved reading and was an avid reader.
“The things that sticks out in my memory was her love of books from the time she was a child through her life. I remember reading her countless books again and again. Then when she knew how to read, she was always with some reading material. When we visited friends or relatives, after a while we would find her in a corner with a magazine, busy reading.” - Words by her sister Nahid
“She was the life of parties, with her jokes, reciting poems, and even with bringing up a topic that she had recently read about. She loved reading and she was continually reading, learning, thinking, and implementing. - Words by her sister Rozita
Despite having high marks to choose any field of study she was studying to be a veterinarian at what was previously known as Pahlavi University until she was later expelled for being a Baha’i. Pictured below with one of her crochet works. She had been enjoying this craft since being expelled from University.
As she grew up she was admired for her beauty, intellect and kind nature. She loved fashion and choosing what to wear.
“Roya was very trustworthy and strong. In her spare time, she did sewing and embroidery. She dressed very smart and fashionable, and I used to tell her that she had a lot of clothes, surprised she would say: “Really? I want more.” - Words by her sister Rozita
“A sweet memory is that once, she really wanted a yellow and green vest she had seen in the window of a shop. The price seemed high, so she was hesitant to push Baba and Mamman to buy it for her. Her birthday was close, so Mamman bought it without her knowing it. The next time she passed that shop, she was so disappointed that she did talk about it at home. She overjoyed when she got the vest on her birthday. - Words by her sister Nahid
Roya had a strong sense for dreams, often having many dreams about central figures of the Faith.
“Once, Roya and I were looking at a palm reading book and according to the signs both Roya and I were to suffer sudden death by suffocation. We both made jokes and laughed a lot about it. Then Roya told me:
“Rosi, don’t tell Mamman and Baba because they wil worry, but I think I will die before reaching 25.”
I still wonder at that.” - Words by her sister Rozita